Wednesday, October 19, 2011

New love... Film Photography.

So i'm taking a b&w film photography class this semester. I LOVE it! I've never really gotten into photography seriously before, and I'm definately not claiming to be a "photographer" but here's some of my favorite pics i've taken so far! :)

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Facebook design

So I haven't posted for awhile... I haven't designed much this summer except for a few work things, but they weren't very exciting! This is was the first assignment for my advanced graphic design class. The assignement was to design something to go with the phrase "Just Say No". I'm a facebook addict, so saying no to facebook felt pretty appropriate. Another part of the assignment was to only use the colors black, white and red. This was my redesign of the facebook logo!

Monday, April 18, 2011

Bold Industires Logo

This is a logo I made for class. 

Happy 21st Birthday

We made birthday cards for a class mate who's birthday is on the day our final was supposted to be. The "bold industries" logo is from a made up business I made for the class.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Been super busy

The good news is.. I got a job!
I'm a student graphic designer for UND's business and administration college. I've been working on their brochure that they send to prospective students, and I'll be helping to update their website, and do posters and other things around Gamble Hall! It's a lot of fun, and the money's good!
I'm hoping to get some more stuff on here when I have time, probably over spring break (next week)!

Monday, February 28, 2011

Text Project

In typography we were given this text and told to design it using leading and kering (basically spaceing between letters, words, and lines) and let the meaning of the text influence us. 

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Playing with Illustrator

In my graphic design foundations class we're just learning more about using illustrator. The assignment was to create a background pattern with 5 images that were chosen by an earlier assignment, and one of the images was to be the main focus as well.


My boyfriend gave me a beautiful bouquet of flowers for my 20th birthday, and of course I took pictures of it! I haven't played around too much with photography, but these are some of my favorites that I tok and edited!

Typography Valentine

So for typography we designed valentines that needed to inclued a typographic word used a a pun. I chose to use the word glyph to replace cliff. All the imagery is made up of glyphs. I also designed an envelope to go with it.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Typographical Portrait

This is my first typography assignment. I did a portrait of myself using my name, and the words talkative, perfectionist, and fun.


I've just started doing design work on the computer, and an assignment was to take a letter out of a word of our choice, and replace it with an image that adds to the word's meaning. I drew this bomb, and then played with different fonts that would get the message a cross. These were my four favorite designs I did.

Religion Piece

This piece is covered in quotes and proverbs from different religions. I used a different font for each religion, and symbols of religions are in the background.

The Trees

This is an acrylic painting I did for my mom. It was very influenced by some work of Osnat's. It measures three feet wide.


This is actaully my first colored pencil drawing I ever did. It's an image of Kierra Knightley in the movie Domino. I did in high school, and I wasn't allowed to draw the cigarrette she's supposed to be holding. i might get around to adding it in someday.

Celtic Cross

This is another one of my favorite pieces. I love celtic art work, and its my favorite thing to design and draw. This was done with colored pencil and is actaully now beautifully framed.

My B

This is probably one of my faborite things I've done. It's done with felt tip pens, and colored pencils.

Op Art

I've been a huge fan of op art for awhile now, and have done some of my own! These were all done with felt tip pens, and I hope to soon do an op art painting.

The Pigs

These three drawings are a series that were done for a class assignment. The piggy bank used was a gift from a relative, and it was really fun to draw. They're done in colored pencil.

First Blog..

Soo I've never blogged before.. I've always wanted to so now I'm giving it a try.
I'm hoping that I'll be able to post some of my design work and art work in my blog, and see where it takes me!